Markets, once the lifeblood of everyday life the world over, and yet somehow lost and losing their way to the supermarket giants in the western world. It really is strange; I’ve lived in Southeast Asia for almost 2 decades, and travelled the world over for much longer before that, and yet I rarely pick up on the fact that markets - daily, weekly, wet or dry, are at the core of daily life, still - in many places.
As a photographer I love visiting these places, and yet the longer I spend here the more I realise that maybe I have assimilated - markets are no longer places of simple people shooting interest, they are part of my own daily life. The produce here may not be as pretty as in the local Sainsbury’s or Asda, and yet it’s real, no organic pretentious, no hidden meanings,
Strangely, or maybe not, it just becomes normal to shop every day rather than every week here, as we do in the west.
Convenience stores here are a penny a throw, any yet their big brothers, the supermarkets have still to take much hold outside of the cities, and long may it stay that way.
Anyway, here are a few pics of a day at a local morning, and then an evening fresh market.