Taste is subjective - thankfully

Having done things a tad differently in most ways in life you tend to get used to howls and scowls from the masses, a kind of self entitled and numbers enforced conformity has always faced those who chose the rocky and overgrown path.

Sadly this is something that faces and will continue to hinder and haunt those who dare to be different for eternity, and is something that social media thrives and profits on.

As much as vanilla appeals to the majority, it doesn’t make it the only flavour out there, and without doing things differently life would be a very dull and bland place. Thankfully, photography - like, (or as) any art form is subjective, and a matter of taste. Sticking to you guns and beliefs can be tough in life, as you’ll generally be outnumbered by the flock.

Anyway, sublime sermon for the day over - here’s a trio of older images that are coated in Marmite and seasoned with passion.